Major Difference Between APA and Harvard Referencing Style Students Should Know

To understand some points regarding APA vs. Harvard, first, you need to know about the citation. So, let’s see what is a citation?

According to Assignment Desk experts, citation is the detailed information about the references that you have used to complete your work. The citation contains the name of the author, page number from where you have borrowed information, date of your copy, location, and name of the publishing company of a referred book or journals from where you have taken the article as a source. Citation is essential to show gratitude to the people for their work that you have referred in your research project to dispel plagiarism. Using the citation, you can tell your readers that you have completed your excellent work with the help of certain material. 

What is citation style?

Whenever you are writing about the references, then you need to use some guidelines or rules to state the reference list. It provides a way to write the reference list. 

When should you use citation?

· If you have been inspired by the author’s idea and you are using the ideas in your research work.

· When you have used someone else’s thought but in your own words.

· When you are writing information that is produced by the other.

Why is citation required?

· To give credit to the authors.

· It enables the reader to find out the source of information.

· It will help to build your research more powerful and convincing.

· Citation helps to provide plagiarism-free publication for your work.

There are many citation styles for different purposes. This article will tell you about the Apa and Harvard styles and their differences.

Learn the major difference between the APA and Harvard.


APA stands for (American Psychological Association) is the most frequently used style for referencing. This style is widely used in social science, engineering, and the educational field. In APA, there are two major sections one is an in-text citation, and the other is the reference page. 

In-text citation for APA

· APA in-text citation includes the author’s last name and the year of the publication.

·, E.g., if Black is the surname of the author. In-text citation format will be Black (2013) 

· For direct quotation, use the page number after the date.

e.g., Black (2013, p.87)

· Page number is optional.

Reference page for APA

The reference page contains a list of all references that you have referred to in your paper. The reference page should be at the end of your paper.


Harvard is a common referencing style, and it is widely used by UK universities. While using Harvard style, keep in mind two points that are in-text citation and reference list. It is widely used in the science field.

In-text citation for Harvard

· Harvard in-text citation appears with the quotation and paraphrases inside the bracket. 

· It appears immediately after the quotation.

·, E.g., if the surname of the author is White, then the in-text citation will be (White, 2014, p.56). p. refers to a single page, and pp specifies more than one page.

Reference list for Harvard

The reference list contains a list of all sources used in your work. It should be at the end of your paper.


APA vs. Harvard is a timeless rivalry in reference style. Although each comes with its own format of citation, both are equally popular in the academic world. You can use citations in the conclusion part also., and if you are stuck or need help, then turn to the experts of Assignment Desk. 


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